Friday, January 11, 2013

Les Mills Combat Shock Plyo & 2.5 mile run

I woke up this morning & after having some pumpkin pie baked oatmeal for breakfast

& getting my daughters settled I was able to get my workout in.  This morning was Shock Plyo! This workout involves fast pace moves that use a lot of energy starting with some hops side to side, sprints back and forth, you will do a tone of lunges, plyometric lunges where you jump side to side, drop squats, burpees, burpees with high knees, push-up with side plank, speed skates, planks with your leg raised, and side planks. I am sure I am missing a few exercises but I think you get the idea. Les Mills Combat Shock Plyo HIIT 2 once it starts it does not stop so I hope you are ready. When I got to the end of this workout I was beat, but then again I actually can't wait to do it again next week. :)

Then this evening I also had my 2.5 mile run planned.  It was cold & rainy all day & then got really foggy tonight,so after I put my youngest to I set out to do my miles on the treadmill with the 2 min run (at 5 mph) & 1 min walk (at 3 mph), but after just 2 of the 2 min runs my shins were just killing me, so with the warm up & runs I only got .9 miles in 15 min done on the treadmill.  But I wasn't done there!!  I decided to try & brave the foggy misty weather to give it a try to finish my run! It was a success!!  I was able to do 1.7 miles in 21:20 mins.  That's my fastest pace since my shin/foot problems started!! :) & that's with a run walk combo!  I know at one point my phone read off I was at a 10:30 pace at one of the interval switches.  Can't wait to see how this year progressives with my running also.

1 comment:

  1. That oatmeal looks so yummy! I can't wait for the oven to beep so I can go and eat mine. Combat plyo sounds like fun! Sorry that your shins hurt, but yea for taking it outside and having them feel better. When I was in the Navy I could never run on the treadmill without getting shin splints...I have no idea what's changed, but it doesn't bother me now. Aw well. Great job today!!!
