Thursday, January 3, 2013

ChaLean Extreme Push Circuit 1

I started the 2nd phase of ChaLean tonight with Push Circuit 1.  These circuits will focus on intense, heavy lifting in single muscle group moves.  We only do 1 set of 6-8 reps, but we are to go heavy enough to fail in those reps.  That's where her saying comes in.

Here is my recap:
1) standard biceps curl- 15/6
2) standard squat - 25/8
3) single-arm bent-over tricep extension - left & right -12.5/8
4) v-press biceps - 12.5/6
5) single-leg squat - 25/8
6) overhead tricep extension - 20/8
7) hammer biceps - 12.5/8
8) heel squat - 20/8
9) push-ups - 6 great form knees, 2 more form lacking

I am excited to see how far I have come since starting as I never would have thought I be able to lift most of the weights I used here & how far I will go!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. If I remember right those v-press biceps are t-o-u-g-h! Great job. I'd say you definitely went heavy - thank goodness for Santa!!! :D
